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Addiction Stops Here

Success Stories


From Darkness to Light:

Doug's Journey of Recovery at Swift River

The Descent into Darkness

Doug’s struggle with substance abuse began early in life.

“I started at a young age drinking,” he recalls. “I was definitely gonna have a problem with alcohol as an adult, because as a young kid, I was already drinking to excess and blacking out and causing all sorts of problems.”

As years passed, Doug’s addiction intensified. What started as youthful experimentation spiraled into a life-threatening dependency. He faced severe consequences, including three DWIs and narrowly avoiding prison time.

“I spent a lot of money to stay out of prison,” Doug admits, highlighting the financial toll of his addiction.

But the cost wasn’t just monetary. Doug’s relationships suffered immensely.

“I had exhausted any friendships or relationships that I had ever had,” he says. “I was isolating myself.”

Trauma and Loss: The Tipping Point

Two significant events pushed Doug further into the abyss of addiction. First, the loss of a meaningful relationship he had high hopes for. Then, tragedy struck when his brother died from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

“It destroyed me. It broke my heart,” Doug shares, his voice heavy with emotion.

These traumatic experiences exacerbated his addiction, pushing him to a place of complete despair.

Rock Bottom: A Life in Shambles

Doug’s life had become unrecognizable. He describes his existence as “not taking care of myself, not showering, not eating, not paying my bills, sitting up in my apartment for days.” His world had shrunk to the confines of his apartment, with his dealer being the only visitor.

“I had no hope. I didn’t care about myself or anyone else,” Doug recalls. “I really wanted to die.”

Failed Attempts and a Glimmer of Hope

Doug’s journey to recovery wasn’t linear. He attempted rehab multiple times, but nothing seemed to stick.

“I’d been to two other rehabs because of my job, and none of them took,” he explains. “I didn’t like the way they were run. I didn’t like the way they treated you.”

It was during this period of desperation that Doug first heard about Swift River.

“I ran into someone that suggested I try Swift River,” he says. “The seed was planted.”

The Decision That Changed Everything

As Doug’s life continued to unravel, losing his job and sinking deeper into addiction, he realized he needed drastic change.

“I was ready and willing to walk away from my life here in New York, and to come there to save myself, to save my life,” Doug says of his decision to seek help at Swift River.

A New Approach to Recovery at Swift River

From the moment Doug arrived at Swift River, he noticed a difference. “The people were so welcoming and kind,” he recalls. Unlike his previous experiences, Swift River’s approach was holistic and compassionate.

“They try to help you address your trauma and your inner feelings, and not just your use,” Doug explains. “It’s not so jail-oriented like the other programs I was at.”

The freedom and respect afforded to patients at Swift River made a significant impact on Doug.

“You can move around, you can talk, you can interact with other people, other sexes, other walks of life,” he says, contrasting it with the restrictive environments he had experienced before.

Personalized Care: The Key to Doug's Recovery

A crucial element in Doug’s recovery was the personalized care he received, particularly from his case manager, Rose.

“I can’t say enough good things about my case manager Rose,” Doug enthuses. “I told her what I wanted to do, and I couldn’t go back to where I was from.”

Understanding Doug’s unique needs and aspirations, Rose helped him find a specific program in Nashua, New Hampshire, that aligned with his goal of working in recovery.

Building a New Life in Recovery

Following Rose’s recommendation, Doug transitioned to the program in Nashua.

“I did it, and I’m so glad I did,” he says.

This decision marked the beginning of a new chapter in Doug’s life.

The changes were both profound and visible.

“I gained 25 pounds. I take care of myself,” Doug shares proudly. “I have employment, I have love for myself.”

A Brighter Future

Today, Doug faces life’s challenges with a clear mind and conscience.

“I feel so much better about myself,” he says. “I didn’t die. I didn’t give in to this disease.”

His story is a powerful reminder that recovery is possible, even from the darkest places. Doug’s transformation demonstrates the effectiveness of Swift River’s approach to addiction treatment – one that addresses underlying trauma, provides personalized care, and treats each individual with dignity and respect.

Hope for Others

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, know that you’re not alone. Doug’s journey proves that with the right support and treatment, a new life is within reach.

At Swift River, we’re committed to providing personalized, compassionate care that addresses the whole person, not just the addiction. We believe in your potential for recovery, just as we believed in Doug’s.

Take the first step towards your new life today. Call us at 888-451-5895 to learn how we can support your journey to recovery. Remember, your story of recovery is waiting to be written. Let us help you turn the page to a brighter chapter.

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