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How Does Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Work?

young man in group therapy explaining how does outpatient alcohol rehab work

How does outpatient alcohol rehab work for treating addiction? Outpatient rehab offers a less restrictive treatment program for men and women whose symptoms are not causing a major disruption in their lives. They are able to continue with work or caring for their family while spending several hours a day receiving beneficial treatment. Outpatient alcohol rehab is just one part of a whole treatment experience that includes residential, outpatient, and aftercare programs.

At Swift River, our outpatient treatment program provides compassionate support for men and women struggling with alcohol addiction. When you first arrive, we will run a full assessment of your condition to place you in the best treatment program for the severity of your symptoms. In severe cases, patients will start with a residential program and graduate to outpatient rehab once their symptoms are more manageable. For more information about how does outpatient rehab work, call 413.570.9698 or send us a message online and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

How Does Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Work?

Outpatient alcohol rehab offers behavioral therapy and medical support for men and women seeking help beating their addiction. Because the causes and symptoms of addiction are so varied, not everyone will need the same form of treatment. Patients with minimal disruptive symptoms can begin their recovery through outpatient rehab instead of starting with 24/7 inpatient support.

For outpatient alcohol rehab to work, patients will need:

  • A stable and sober home environment that will not interfere with the recovery process.
  • The ability to abstain from alcohol with minimal supervision.
  • Able to meet daily at regularly scheduled therapy sessions.
  • Have a strong desire to reach their recovery goals and lead a sober life.

At Swift River, we will go over your treatment experience with you during the admissions process. We will answer all of your questions, including how does outpatient rehab work and what to expect during your therapy sessions.

What to Expect After Enrolling in Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

Each person’s rehab experience is unique to the severity of their symptoms and causes. Therapists will develop a close relationship with each patient to foster open and honest communication that allows them to begin healing.

Here is what you can expect after enrolling in an outpatient alcohol rehab program:

  • Patients will participate in group and individual therapy and work with a certified behavioral therapist to develop healthy coping skills and a more positive outlook on themselves and the world around them.
  • Medical staff will administer medications to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings with the goal of being 100% drug-free by the end of the program.
  • During group therapy, patients will practice coping and communication skills with their peers and develop healthy relationships that will support their sobriety.
  • Patients will participate in holistic therapies such as mindfulness and meditation, creative writing, and art/music therapy.
  • Family therapy is an essential part of any comprehensive treatment program. It gives parents, siblings, and spouses a chance to discuss their feelings and frustrations caused by the addiction and work to restore broken relationships.

Patients with severe addiction will start with residential treatment and graduate to an outpatient alcohol rehab program. They can continue with outpatient treatment for as long as necessary to maintain their sobriety.

Swift River – Massachusetts:s Outpatient Alcohol Rehab for Men and Women Struggling with Addiction

At Swift River, men and women will participate in behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatment as part of their outpatient alcohol rehab program. Our treatment center offers a full range of treatment programs that can treat all levels of addiction. Some of the programs we offer include:

  • Drug and alcohol detox
  • Residential treatment program
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Co-occurring disorder treatment

To answer your questions about how does outpatient alcohol rehab work, call 413.570.9698 today to speak with our knowledgeable staff about our addiction treatment programs.

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