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Avoidant Personality Disorder

a woman with an avoidant personality disorder also struggles with a co occurring addiction

Avoidant personality disorder and substance abuse are common co-occurring disorders because many people prefer using drugs or alcohol to ease the symptoms of this mental health illness. People with APD will stress over social situations as it brings out their feelings of inadequacy and worries about being judged by others. Fortunately, there are co-occurring disorder treatment programs available that specifically target addiction and the mental health disorder behind it through an accredited addiction treatment facility.

At Swift River, we help those struggling with addiction brought on by avoidant personality disorder or other mental health conditions. We are a full-service, accredited treatment center with an experienced staff ready to assist you in all of your recovery goals. Treatment programs are tailored around the individual’s symptoms and severity of the addiction and are continuously updated to ensure progress is made. For more information about our addiction treatment programs, call 888.451.5895 or send us a message online today, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

What Is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Those with avoidant personality disorder have an irrational fear of rejection that can prevent them from forming close relationships and enjoying spending time with friends and family. When they are out in public, they feel like others are judging them and will rarely speak up or initiate conversations unless they know that person will like them.

Common symptoms of APD include low self-esteem, self-isolation, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Some of the behaviors that are associated with avoidant personality disorder include:

  • Avoiding situations where there are a lot of interpersonal contacts
  • Difficulty forming relationships with people unless they know the person will like them
  • Is afraid to open up to their partners
  • Obsesses over being criticized or rejected in public
  • They avoid forming new relationships
  • Thinks of themselves as socially awkward and unappealing
  • They prefer being alone to spending time with friends or trying new things

At Swift River, our behavioral therapists have experience treating avoidant personality disorder and substance abuse through our co-occurring disorder treatment program. This program treats both conditions simultaneously through medical support and behavioral therapy, where patients learn healthy coping skills for managing their symptoms without turning to drugs or alcohol.

Treating Avoidant Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse

A co-occurring disorder treatment program is the best way to treat avoidant personality disorder and substance abuse. Behavioral therapists work closely with each patient to determine the root cause of the disorder and what led to the addiction while receiving medication to minimize withdrawals, cravings, and other symptoms that interfere with the recovery program.

Here is some of what you can expect from a co-occurring disorder treatment program to treat substance abuse and APD:

  • Each patient will go through a full assessment to determine the best type of treatment program for the level of their addiction. Serious cases of addiction will begin therapy through a residential program, whereas those who can abstain from drug or alcohol use with minimal supervision can begin through an outpatient treatment program.
  • To reduce severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, or substance withdrawal, medical staff will administer medications known to reduce these symptoms and allow patients to focus on their recovery. In most cases, patients will no longer need the medication once they can better manage their symptoms.
  • Behavioral therapists will work one-on-one with each patient to teach them how to replace their negative thinking patterns with positive thoughts about themselves and the world around them. They learn how to stop the endless cycle of negative thinking while developing new coping skills to process their feelings and boost their self-esteem.
  • During group therapy, patients will practice their coping and communication skills while learning how others are coping with their symptoms. Plus, the relationships they build during therapy will benefit their continued well-being and new positive outlook.

Avoidant personality disorder and substance abuse commonly occur together due to how our society views some mental health disorders. They think using drugs and alcohol to cope with their feelings is OK and choose to ignore the reality of developing a potentially dangerous addiction.

Begin Your Co-Occurring Addiction Treatment at Swift River – Massachusetts

Men and women will find a supportive and welcoming staff when they first arrive at Swift River. Our team will run a full diagnostic on your physical and mental health to determine the best treatment program to begin your recovery journey. You will participate in various behavioral and holistic therapy through group and private sessions while receiving medication to minimize any symptoms that interfere with your progress.

If you or a loved one is struggling with avoidant personality disorder and want help, reach out to our friendly team today at 888.451.5895 or via our online form.

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