Wet brain syndrome is a condition of long-term heavy drinking and causes a serious vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency. 8 out of 10 people who drink heavily are at risk of this life-threatening brain disorder. Wet brain symptoms include a lack of motor control and confusion even when the person is not intoxicated. If caught early enough, wet brain syndrome symptoms are reversible through a combination of medication and behavioral therapy.
At Swift River, we support people from all walks of life who are struggling with alcohol addiction and showing wet brain symptoms. We take the time to get to know each patient so we can create the best treatment program for their unique condition. Patients will participate in group and private therapy, where they will develop a better understanding of their symptoms and gain healthy coping skills for maintaining their sobriety. To learn more about how we can treat wet brain syndrome and benefit your recovery, call 888.451.5895 or fill out our online form today, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
What Are Some of the Signs of Wet Brain Syndrome?
Wet Brain syndrome is also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome or WKS. This condition is a result of a thiamine deficiency brought on by alcohol’s ability to block the absorption of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function normally. Thiamine or Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to nerve damage, anorexia, and short-term memory loss.
Alcohol is very damaging to your body. It disrupts the delicate chemical balance in your system and causes serious physical and mental damage that can become permanent with long-term abuse. Wet brain syndrome symptoms can include:
- A lack of motor control, even when not intoxicated
- Abnormal eye movement
- Double vision
- Memory loss
Behavioral signs of wet brain syndrome include easily becoming frustrated or angry, lying about alcohol abuse, and having a hard time accepting that they need help. At Swift River, our team is well aware of the signs of wet brain syndrome and how to reverse this treatable condition. You will gain valuable information about the dangers of addiction while increasing your ability to lead a healthy and sober life.
Treating Wet Brain Syndrome Symptoms
Treating wet brain syndrome requires treating the addiction while addressing the nutrition deficiency and focusing on what led to the addiction in the first place. Therapists work closely with each patient to uncover the root cause of the addiction so that true healing can begin.
The best ways of treating wet brain symptoms include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy – CBT is one of the best ways of treating addiction and the underlying cause behind it. Patients talk with a certified therapist and learn how to process their feelings without causing any negative behavior, like reaching for more alcohol when they feel upset. They also learn how to manage their symptoms and triggers and learn that it is OK to talk about their feelings.
- Medication-assisted treatment – Medical staff will administer medications that are proven to minimize alcohol withdrawals and cravings during the treatment program. These medications allow patients to focus on recovery without worrying about relapsing or constantly craving more alcohol.
- Nutrition education – Patients will learn how important healthy eating is and how a lack of nutrients can negatively impact their overall well-being. Patients will be given vitamin supplements to replenish the vitamin deficiency caused by alcohol abuse. This will go a long way toward helping patients get healthy and easing the recovery process.
- Family therapy – An important step in any treatment program involves your parents, spouses, and children. They will learn all about wet brain syndrome symptoms and the dangers of alcohol addiction. Therapists will give them time to vent any frustrations in a safe environment and teach them how they can create a stable and sober home environment.
Wet brain syndrome, or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is a treatable condition of severe alcohol addiction. With time, patience, and a commitment to a recovery program, patients can reverse some of the devastating effects of long-term alcohol abuse.
Wet Brain Symptoms? Choose Swift River – Massachusetts
At Swift River, we offer a full range of treatment programs that can treat addiction to alcohol, cocaine, meth, and other harmful substances. Your treatment program is unique to your condition and will address all wet brain symptoms and other conditions or ailments brought on by the addiction. We use a combination of behavioral therapy and medical support for a well-rounded treatment experience.
If you or a loved one is struggling with wet brain syndrome or other conditions of alcohol addiction, call 888.451.5895 today to begin your journey to a healthy and sober future. You can also fill out our online form and let us get back to you.